Lyn 17th October 2011

Dear Jonathan, Everyone else keeps getting postrcards so I thought it was about time you got one too. Since you are 'elsewhere' this is the best I can do. Oz Is amazing. You would love it here. Though perhaps you would not love all the art galleries I insist on visiting, sometimes more than once. You would definitely love all the sunshine, especially as I am actually going out in it and have managed to get some colour for once. You would have loved the snow and I am sorry I didn't go out in it; I was too busy getting drunk with my friends, I am sure you understand. I am now on the move again and back in a city. Melbourne and Sydney ARE very different but I love them both in different ways. I am looking forward to my trips through the desert and going to stay with your family in Perth next month. I know you understand how much I mean it when I say I wish you were here. All my love, always yours xxx