Secondary School

1994 August - 2000 June

Created by Lyn 15 years ago
It was at Hunter High that Jonathan first fell in love as it was here that he first picked up a guitar. He was hooked after his first lesson and treated his family to many, many renditions of Oasis' Wonderwall before moving on to Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins and other musical greats. It was also here that he met Greg. A partner in crime, slightly taller and with bigger feet ( I didn't think it was possible either) and just as good a nose for mischief. Many of Jonathan's stories started 'I remember when Greg and I......'. Whether or not he realised it then Greg was to become and will always be one of Jonathan's best friends. Best friends or not he did manage a few stories without Greg, he made friends easily and kept in touch with many them after school had finished. I heard often of their exploits in the common room in their 5th and 6th years. Not to mention the odd encounter with Mr Brady the head teacher. Jonathan, though clever, was never one for books. He was very talented with computers but had no time for sitting around whilst people told him what to do. Though this not the most desirable trait in a pupil it was an attitude that served him well later on in life and he never regretted the paths that he took. So though there weren't many qualifications to show for Jonathans years at Hunter High he did have many lasting friendships, an enviable love and talent for music and an intricate knowledge of computers that would later lead to a promising career as a software developer.